Don't forget that this week we are celebrating all of the amazing CORE we've seen this quarter with a CORE spirit week!
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
q3 spirit week schedule
What a bittersweet field trip today! This morning, our Fourth Grade Hawks visited Raymond Park, where they will be attending school next year! I wonder what our Fourth Graders are most excited about after seeing their new school!
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
golden ticket wheel at raymond park
Hawks entering into Raymond Park
cheerleaders welcoming our Hawks
and Cheering for our Hawks
NEXT WEEK is Quarter 3's CORE Spirit Week! We can't wait to celebrate all of the hard work and CORE our Hawks have shown this quarter! Please let Miss Friedman know if you have any questions!
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
Q3 spirit week schedule
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IRead exams had a pretty significant end date for our Third Graders, 3/14! They got to celebrate with pie for Pi Day!! This month's "Foodie Friday" in Ms. Deegan's classroom was a fun "Pi Day Try Day", celebrating hard work and diligence her students have shown preparing for and taking their exam!
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
pi day try day
G3 student with pie for pi day
G3 student with pie for pi day
G3 student with pie for pi day
G3 student with pie for pi day
G3 student with pie for pi day
G3 student with pie for pi day
It's March 14, or 3.14, or as many of us know it as PI DAY! Whether you're practicing your numbers or quite literally baking a pie, enjoy your day, everybody!
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
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Book Blast begins TODAY! All you have to do is invite 10+ friends/family to earn 3 awesome prizes & a chance to win one of four (4) Treasure Chests or an iPad! Visit and unlock treasure. It takes just 7 minutes TONIGHT. #BookBlast #UnlockTheTreasure. The first 75 to register and invite 10+ friends and family members will receive the 3 prizes the very next day! Any student who qualifies after that will still receive the 3 prizes after the event. #bookblastadventures #booksarefun
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
book blast map
book blast map SPAN
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Who knew learning English letters could be this much fun!!!! Every day is a great day for fun and active learning at Hawthorne!
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
friends learning english letters
student learning english letters
student working with english letters
HawkTalk for the week of 3/11-15/2024 ...
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
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Today is International Women's Day and Hawthorne wants to recognize each and every woman who works hard to make a difference in our students' lives. Everyday, you put our Hawks first, and it shows. Thank you for all that you do for our school and for the greater Warren community.
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
Miss Whitney with student reading
Miss Gansert and her student
Miss Barnes at ILearn/IRead family night
Mrs. Angelicchio with Kindergartener
Miss Friedman with Kindergartener
Thank you to everyone who came to Roller Cave last night! We have only ONE MORE SKATE NIGHT left of this school year!! Hope we see you there! Here's a short clip of all the fun had last night!
12 months ago, Kathryn Friedman
roller cave flier
Since March is Women's History Month, it's the best time to showcase our awesome STEM teacher, Ms. Terry!! STEM stands for Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, which is still a male dominated field. Ms. Terry defies the odds as a woman in STEM, showing our Hawks that women can do anything they set their minds to! Thank you for all of the science and FUN you bring to Hawthorne!
about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
Ms. Terry the Astronaut in STEM class!
Ms. Terry engaging her kindergarten students during STEM
Ms. Terry utilizing the beautiful weather to conduct experiments outside with students during STEM
If you think it's the students who are most excited about the gym, you are mistaken! Our HawkStaff is so excited and ready for all of the fun to be had in our new space!!!
about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
staff photo
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Book Blast event starts next week! We will set off in search of treasure building home libraries. Follow the steps on the Treasure Map coming home next week to embark on a quest to earn prizes and books. @go.booksarefun #bookblastadventures #bookblast #booksarefun #literacy
about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
book blast flier
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about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
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Today is March 3, which means it's World Wildlife Day! Earth is full of so many beautiful and magnificent creatures (especially Hawks!!!). What is your favorite animal?
about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
world wildlife day
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Our second graders had a GREAT time today at the Children's Museum learning all about things from dinosaurs, to how to work through different emotions to, pop culture items and icons that shaped American history! It was a great day to be a Hawk!
about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
kids w dino bones @ children's museum
miss friedman dressing up with students for different decades
student playing in the inside out exhibit
students learning about ruby bridges
Hawks on the news!
March is also MUSIC IN OUR SCHOOLS MONTH!! Music is so important and so are the lovely ladies who teach our Hawks! Thank you Mrs. Wynn and Ms. Condra for the love, silliness, and MUSIC that you bring to our students and school!
about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
music student teacher playing singing  with students
Mr butler dancing with students in music class
Kindergarten program
Mrs. Wynn and student celebrating the winter holidays!
This month, Hawthorne honors all of the women who helped pave a path for all other women to walk on. Happy Women's History Month!
about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
WHM picture
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What could be better than Hawthorne opening up our new gym!? HAVING A NEW GYM OPENING DAY ASSEMBL!!!!! It was so fun sharing excitement with the entire school this morning! We look forward to hosting when we can in the future!
about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
new gym
miss friedman with students in the new gym
mrs wynn and her choir in the new gym
excited students in the new gym
We all hope that you enjoyed our Black History Month Spotlight series and learned a thing or two as well. Thank you for following along and meeting influential Black individuals who have worked to create a better tomorrow for everyone.
about 1 year ago, Kathryn Friedman
bhm spotlight
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