There is nothing more exciting than starting a new year out right. Look how diligently these amazing CORE students are working in their classrooms. Talking to your child about what they learned about in school is a great way to reinforce learning at home!
about 2 years ago, Kathryn Friedman
Classroom Fun!
Classroom Fun!
Classroom Fun!
New semester, new goals! Talk with your child about how to make this semester even better than last semester! #bethechange. #hawkpride
about 2 years ago, Kate Warren
New semester, new goals!  Talk with your child about how they are going to make this semester better!  #bethechange. #hawkpride
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
Happy Monday
Here the the HawkTalk for this week!
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
Background knowledge is essential. Regularly reading aloud to your students will increase their knowledge on a variety of topics, allowing them to tap into new information they can pull from when reading independently. #BETHECHANGE #HAWKPRIDE #READ
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
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We can’t wait to see our students’ smiling faces on Monday, January 9! Let’s kick off second semester right! #HawkNation #Semester2
about 2 years ago, Aleshia Smith
Read alouds can be used as a tool for FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS. By asking quick (text-based) questions during & after the readings, students can show what they are learning. Students can also share their thoughts on the topic being read. #BETHECHANGE #HAWKPRIDE #READ
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
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One of the first steps in acquiring language is hearing new words in context. Reading aloud to students has the potential to broaden students' vocabularies, which can lead to more accurate forms of written & verbal expression. #BETHECHANGE #HAWKPRIDE #READ
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
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A new year can be a new beginning for so many things! What are you tying new this year? Whatever it is, I hope it is positive and happy! Enjoy the rest of your break!
about 2 years ago, Kathryn Friedman
Reading aloud makes reading visible, showing students the intricacies of reading that they might not otherwise observe. Modeling fluency, expression, & tone will provide students with a framework for improving their reading skills. #BETHECHANGE #HAWKPRIDE #READ
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
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Reading can be fun & exciting. Be sure to pick something of high interest to read to students. The last thing we want is for students to think of reading as a chore; making book choice for read alouds extremely important. #BETHECHANGE #HAWKPRIDE #READ
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
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read aloud 2
Hearing a text read out loud gives students the opportunity to improve their listening skills. The regular practice of active listening requires patience and attention, two skills that are necessary for becoming strong independent readers. #BETHECHANGE #HAWKPRIDE #READ
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
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Special Thanks to Post Road Christian Church (PRCC). They dropped by on December 22nd to share some love and cheer with the staff. The Indianapolis Community is fortunate to have this group's support. #BETHECHANGE #HAWKPRIDE #PRCC
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
We’re so grateful for all of HAWKNATION! You have given our community so many reasons to smile! Thank you for all you’ve done to help us grow in 2022. Can’t wait to continue learning and growing with you in 2023! #BETHECHANGE #HAWKPRIDE #SMILE
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
happy new years
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Smiling can also boost your overall health by helping your immune system to function more effectively. It is thought that when you smile, immune function improves because you are more relaxed. #SMILES #HAWKPRIDE
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
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Smiling not only can elevate your mood, but it can also change the moods of others for the better. Research suggests that SMILES are actually contagious. That means someone might spot your smile and unconsciously smile themselves. #SMILES #HAWKPRIDE
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
Smiling can help make you feel happy. The physical act of smiling activates pathways in your brain that influence your mood. Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. #SMILES #HAWKPRIDE
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
Sending everyone warm and cozy vibes during break!
about 2 years ago, Kathryn Friedman
Believe it or not, smiling can reduce stress even if you don't feel like smiling. When you are stressed, try intentionally putting a smile on your face. It may help improve your mood and ability to manage the stress you are experiencing. #SMILES #HAWKPRIDE
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler
One study found that genuine, intense smiling is associated with longer life. Happy folks seem to enjoy better health. Research indicates that happiness could increase lifespan. Suggestion: Maintain a happy, positive mood as part of a healthy lifestyle. #SMILES #HAWKPRIDE
about 2 years ago, Gregory Butler